Recurring booking in Akurlee
Useful information
To be able to use recurring event feature in Akurlee, you need to have Premium plan activate.
Default recurring window is 180 days.
Allow recurring booking
Premium plan
Admin role
Adjust recurring window
Premium plan
Admin role
Click on Spaces & resources.
Go to details.
Adjust Recurring events max interval in days.
Click on Save.
Recurring events in Google Calendar
Useful information
The recurring window is set by user and can be set by the number of occurrences or date of the last occurrence.
User can set window longer than 730 occurrences but only 730 occurrences will be scheduled.
If Recurring booking is created without limit it will be scheduled 730 times.
Recurring events in Microsoft 365 - Outlook Calendar
Useful information
Default recurring window is 180 days.
Recurring booking window can be customized from 0 to 1080 days.
Update recurring window
PowerShell access
Execute in PowerShell.
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity ["resource name"] -BookingWindowInDays [number of days]