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Booking in Finder

How does Finder work?

Updated over 8 months ago

Book the resource and space you need from Finder. You can use multiple views to better visualise the space or resource availability.

  • Timeline allows you to book the space directly from the timeline of the space & resource with a click and drag option.

  • List gives you a clear overview of the possible options, check the Resource details if needed.

  • Map is a perfect visualisation of spaces and resources, book directly the right place in the location. Premium plan is required to use this feature.

Check how to create a booking in each view below.


Book within a timeline with a click and drag.

  1. Click on Finder on the left pane.

  2. Choose start time (click and drag to select time frame) and click into the resource.

  3. Adjust Time if necessary.

  4. Click on Continue to attendees.

  5. Fill in attendees email.

  6. Click on Add.

  7. Click on Continue to Event Details.

  8. Add Event name.

  9. Adjust Event visibility if necessary.

  10. Click on Continue to summary.

  11. Use Advanced options in case you want to have additional options otherwise click on Create event.


Create a reservation from the list.



To use the Map feature you need the Premium plan.

Select the space or resource you need from a Map.

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